Monday, January 23, 2012

10 Months Old!

It's hard to believe but our Emily is now ten months old and showing no signs of slowing down. She has developed rapidly in the past month and has lots of fun new skills.
  • Started her tenth month with a trip to the doctor's office due to a nighttime cough that has been waking her up the past few nights. It is nothing serious but we did get another weigh-in: 24lbs!
  • She is crawling everywhere and has just started pulling herself up to a standing position on anything she can find. This includes furniture, her gym, the blue elephant, and people's bodies. She even pulls herself up on the gate we had to install this month to keep her from tumbling down the stairs.
  • Speaking of stairs, Emily climbed all the way up them for the first time today without any assistance. She has gone from starting to pull up to getting up the stairs in less than a week. Scary!
  • Two other fun movements are her new abilities to clap her hands (and have it make noise) and shake her head "no". She still doesn't know what "no" means but we're pretty sure she'll figure it out in the next year or seventeen. She has also added "uh oh" to her vocabulary along with intentionally dropping toys on the floor for mommy and daddy to pick up. As you can imagine, these two skills have come in handy for an infant.
  • She has started eating some chicken and pork mixed in with other fruits and vegetables. This caused some constipation at first but seems to have cleared itself up now. Emily is also quickly mastering the sippy cup and enjoys a tall glass of water after dinner along with some snacks for dessert. She eats about 5oz of food at each meal with formula to supplement her at each mealtime. Still no teeth yet, but she seems to manage fine without.
  • Emily is still sleeping well at night from about 6:30pm-6:30am and has one nap in the morning at around 8:30 and one in the afternoon at around 12:30.
  • She craves stimulation and admittedly, mommy and daddy aren't the most exciting people in the world. When things get boring at home we now like to do some mall-walking and PBS children's show watching. Super Why! is, Emily's favorite.
  • Nana Ellen came to visit for the last 5 days and had so much fun taking care of Emmy. Emmy really likes having someone new to entertain her, with reading books, singing, climbing the stairs, and stacking cups together, they had a great time.