Thursday, September 22, 2011

Half way to her first birthday!

Emily is 6 months old today! So we started the day with trying to get her photo taken with the birthday sign that we make each month. Emily was not so interested in looking at the camera or at smiling at us no matter how many silly noises we made! Rather than continue to torture her, we thought this collage of not perfect photos was a perfect way to show that she is developing her own personality and is much more interested in the things around her than doing what we tell her to do!

At 6 months old Emily is:
  • Sleeping from about 7pm until about 7am. Very rarely waking up in the night. (except for those few days in a row a couple weeks ago when she was rolling over in her crib at night).
  • Eating 4 times per day at 7am, 11am, 3pm and 7pm. 8 or sometimes 9 ounces per bottle.
  • Almost 19 pounds! (more specifics at her 6 month check-up next Thursday).
  • Wearing size 3 diapers and size 9 month clothes, but close to needing size 12 month pants.
  • Has very light soft blond hair that is still pretty short.
  • Takes three naps per day, around 9am and 1pm for around 90 minutes each and then a short 30-45 minute nap at 5pm.
  • Rolling over like a champ and pushing up with her arms when she is on her tummy, but not really going anywhere.
  • Reaching for toys and switching toys from one hand to the other and choosing one toy over another.
  • Loves playing peek-a-boo, playing in her bouncy activity station, listening to singing, and reading books and playing with toys that make noise when she shakes them.
  • Can sometimes get a little fussy around 6pm since it is close to bedtime, but will stop if we take her outside for a walk in the carrier. But other than that, she rarely cries or fusses unless you are too slow getting her the bottle during the day.
  • Continues to kick her legs a lot (any suggestions on how to keep baby socks on would be appreciated!)
  • Is a very happy baby and loves to giggle! Her favorite is being tickled/blowing raspberries on her neck and stomach, or sticking your tongue out at her.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Busy Busy Busy...

Wow! It's been a long time since our last post. I guess that's what happens when the school year starts and the students are all back on campus!

Emily has mastered rolling over from front to back and back to front. She went through a period where she would roll over to her stomach in her crib at night and not be able to get back to her back and would get mad about it. We would roll her back for her if she cried, but a few times she fell asleep like that. Now that it is colder outside, we have her sleeping in a baby sleeping bag of sorts that has holes for her head and arms, but keeps her legs zipped up in the big pouch. Since sleeping in that she hasn't been rolling over and waking up in the night which makes us all happy. She also uses that at naps instead of the swaddle, so I think we figured out an easy way to stop swaddling!

I was in a car accident on the 8th and thank goodness Emily wasn't with me. I am fine, but the car is not, it was declared a total loss and so we will be getting another new vehicle soon. While driving on a 4 lane highway a guy was turning from a side street and pulled out right into the side of the car, claiming to not see me at all. Sure was scary and has made me even more cautious on the road.

Emily got her first cold last week and then passed it on to both Mommy and Daddy in various forms of sore throat, stuffy nose, and exhaustion. We took her to the pediatrician just to be sure it was just a cold and learned that she is up to 18 pounds 9 ounces! With the colder weather we have put her in some of the pants outfits we bought quite a while ago and a few of the 9 month size pants are already getting tight on her! She continues to eat 4 bottles a day of 8 ounces of formula. She will start on rice cereal right after her 6 month birthday when we get back from a quick visit to Minnesota. She continues to do great at daycare and loves watching the other kids at Sue's house as they play.

Emily wearing some sweaters knitted by Nana Ellen!