Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Three Months Down

You are able to read this because we were able to survive our first three months as parents. Emily celebrated her third month on Earth with some early morning photos (because that's when she's most content and Megan had to go to work), eating, sleeping, dirtying diapers, smiling, cooing, and kicking. We are excited for cake when the time eventually comes. Looking back on her first three months, there are a few things we've enjoyed and others we've been lucky to have:
  • Every parent, grandparent and sister visiting us in Iowa. So Emily has met all of her grandparents, her 2 great grandparents and her 3 aunties!
  • No significant health issues. About a month ago we thought she had acid reflux because she was frequently very fussy in the evenings when eating. But she has overcome that and it is rare for her to be fussy for any stretch of time.
  • Progressively longer sleep at night (9pm until at least 5am) and down to 6 feedings during the day.
  • More feedback in the form of smiles, kicking (lots!), and vocalizations (some really funny sounding laughs that kind of sound like a goose honking). She's also very alert and watches us all the time. We are so lucky that she is content to just sit in her bouncy chair or on her playmat and watch us. Although if we get into a long conversation just the two of us, she will start cooing too, just reminding us that she wants to be included I guess!
  • Long walks in the warmer weather.
  • Steady growth (especially her head :) She's up to 14 pounds now and into her 3-6 month clothes. She's pretty good at holding her head up, but still doesn't like tummy time for any more than 5 minutes at a time.
    We had a great visit just over a week ago from Grandpa Joe and Aunt Rachel and Aunt Julia. Emily was great with letting them hold her and gave lots of smiles and excited kicking. We were able to spend some time outside on the patio and at the Farmer's Market.

    We also took Emily to meet Sue, her day care provider where she will start the first week in August. Unfortunately Emily started crying pretty soon after we arrived and was not able to be calmed down for more than a few minutes at a time before she would start crying again. So we left after about 20 minutes with Emily still upset and Mom fretting for the next three days about how this was going to work out... But we think Emily just got thrown off by all the kids who got in her face to welcome her when we first arrived and we were outside where it was very bright and hot, which also made it hard for Em to calm down. We will do another visit soon and then do a couple half days in July just to try and get used to it.

    Now we better get back to packing for our trip to Great Grandpa Paul's Cottage in northern Wisconsin! We continue to be amazed at how much stuff such a little person needs!

    Tuesday, June 14, 2011

    Happy Baby!

    We just had a great week-long visit with Megan's Mom (aka Nana Ellen), and we are all sad to see her leave! Luckily we get to see her again in about 2 weeks up at Great Grandpa's cabin in Northern Wisconsin. Emily had a great time with Nana Ellen and Mommy and Daddy really loved having the extra help and support! We can't thank her enough!Megan and Nana Ellen had a great time shopping at the outlet mall on Sunday (thanks for the new clothes Mom!). Megan is super excited to be back at her pre-pregnancy weight (even if her stomach still looks and feels a bit different). Plus Nana Ellen is an excellent cook and our freezer is stocked up again! We also celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary and are amazed at how different our lives are now! Thanks to Nana Ellen for babysitting while we had a nice dinner out at Red's Alehouse!

    At 12 weeks old, Emily is SO smiley now and very responsive when we walk into the room and talk to her. She loves to kick here legs and wave her arms around. She had her first laugh for Nana Ellen on the first day of her visit!



    Emily continues to sleep through the night from around 9 or 9:30 until about 5:30 or 6:00. Some nights she wakes up around 4:00, but Tom just changes her diaper and rocks her a bit and usually she goes back to sleep without too much fussing. Her fussy time is still in the early evening, but not every night, and doesn't last too long when she does have an episode. Emily is still eating 6 times a day, and taking about 1 hour naps in between. She loves playing on her playmat and batting the dangling toys around. She also is very responsive to singing and blowing raspberries! She only uses a pacifier when she wakes up early from a nap or sometimes in the evenings when she can be more fussy and just has a harder time calming down or napping.

    Mommy and Daddy continue to alternate days at home with Emily, each of us are working two or three days a week until the end of July when Nana Ellen comes to visit again for a week and then she will start daycare the first week of August.

    We are excited for a visit from Grandpa Joe and Aunt Julia and Aunt Rachel this weekend!